Linux File Permissions

u - owner
g - group
o - others
a - all

r - read
w - write
x - execute

Using stat on a file, you'll find something similar to this:

0771 (-rwx rwx --x)
       ^^^ ^^^ ^^^
        |   |   |
        |   |   \_ others
        |   |
        |   \_ group
        \_ owner

(the first - means that it's a file, e.g. d would be a directory)



7 = 4+2+1 (read/write/execute)
6 = 4+2 (read/write)
5 = 4+1 (read/execute)
4 = 4 (read)
3 = 2+1 (write/execute)
2 = 2 (write)
1 = 1 (execute)


chmod 400 mydoc.txt - read only by owner
chmod 020 mydoc.txt - write only by group
chmod 002 mydoc.txt - write only by others
chmod 001 mydoc.txt - execute only by others
chmod 770 mydoc.txt - rwx only by owner and group
chmod 755 mydoc.txt - rwx only by owner. group and others can read and execute

Using Characters

You can use this to change a specific type of user's permissions.

Using + or - you can set or remove permissions, respectively


chmod u+r mydoc.txt - add read perms to owner
chmod o+r mydoc.txt - add read perms to others
chmod g+x mydoc.txt - add execute perms to group

chmod o-rw mydoc.txt - remove read and write perms from others

chmod u+rw mydoc.txt - add read and write perms to owner
chmod ug+rw mydoc.txt - add read and write perms to owner and group
chmod a+rwx mydoc.txt - add read, write and execute perms to everyone (777) (a can be omitted)

note that by using only a single type of user, the other types remain the same as they were:
e.g. chmod g+x to a file with 0761 (-rwxrw---x) would become 0771 (-rwxrwx--x)

Useful commands

When working with permissions and groups, you'll need more than just chmod and stat.

Use chgrp to change the group of a file. Example: $ chgrp group mydoc.txt

Use chown to change the group and/or owner of a file. Example: $ chown user mydoc.txt or $ chown user:group mydoc.txt

Use usermod to add an user to a group. Example: $ usermod -a -G group user

Use gpasswd to remove an user from a group. Example: $ gpasswd -d user group